Patrol Banner UnderwayTeam 5NR LogoPA Booth At Field and Streampicture of 25 foot USCG Patrol boatMembers getting training on knot tying
AUX flag

Message from the National Commodore

From:  COMO Mary Kirkwood               …
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Cybersecurity Alert – Attempted Phishing Emails

To: All Auxiliarists Dated: 4 February 2025 Dear Members,The…
Forcecom Logo


Fellow Auxiliarists,Urgent: Following leadership changes, it's…
Recreational Boating Safety Outreach Logo

2025 VSC Workshop

The 2025 "VSC Workshop" has been posted on the V-Directorate…

2025 Spring DTRAIN Registration Portal is Open

2025 Spring DTRAIN Registration Portal is Open
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End of Year Message and reminder: Uniform Inspections due 12/31/2024

First, I’d like to wish each of you a safe and happy holiday.…
Response Directorate

Auxiliary Air Program

Dear D5NR Shipmates, My Name is Thomas Siedenbuehl, and…
Dtrain 2025 Spring

2025 Spring DTRAIN!

Save the Dates...4, 5 & 6 April, 2025Hilton Wilmington/Christiana,100…

PPE Tracking and Inspection

Good day All,  CG-BSX-12 is working with the District…


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Uniform Inspections

Good Day Shipmates, On September 23, 2023, the Chief Director…
85 Years

Together… “One Team, One Fight” for 85 Years

D5NR Shipmates, Since our inception in 1939 the Coast Guard…
Training Success

From the Operational Training Officer

All Hands Notice—Spring 2024 Greetings D5NR membership,To…
Recreational Boating Safety Outreach Logo

Whistle and Paddle Tip Reflector Kits Available

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Association and the Recreational…
help wanted

Help Wanted: Duty Driver

Job description: 1 hr. recall for duty driver with 24/7/365…
help wanted

Help Wanted: Shredding

Job description: Weekly Shredding of paperwork and materials Timeline/Duration/Frequency:…
help wanted

Help Wanted: SAMS Data Entry

Job description: Work with FACENG department completing SAMS…
help wanted

Help Wanted: Weekly Fire Inspections

Job description: Weekly Fire Extinguisher (Inspections) and…
White Stars on a blue background


The Fifth District, Northern Region of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary welcomes you! We are the Northern portion of two Auxiliary Districts that make up the Fifth Coast Guard District. With 1713 members, Fifth Northern serves the Coast Guard and boating public in along the central eastern seaboard and encompasses the entire state of Delaware, the southern half of New Jersey, and approximately three-fourths of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Together with the Fifth District Southern Region we comprise seven states with approximately 3,800 members and 156,000 miles of coastline. We are but one district of sixteen Auxiliary districts in the country.

Comprised of nearly 23,000 men and women, the Auxiliary is the uniformed volunteer component of the Coast Guard. It works within the Coast Guard in carrying out its noncombatant and non-law enforcement missions. Heavily involved in our main mission, Recreational Boating Safety, the Auxiliary works hard to keep the boating public educated, informed and safe. Along with this we also perform duties such as Auxiliary Food Service at Coast Guard stations and cutters, Search and Rescue, both surface and air, vessel inspections, pollution response, container and lifeboat inspections and more. Fellowship, a cornerstone of the Auxiliary brings new friends and new opportunities. While we are volunteers and the time we devote to the Coast Guard is our own, the urge to serve is very much a part of who we are. Serving our country and communities, loving what we do and knowing that it makes a difference goes a long way.

Since 9/11 the U. S. Coast Guard’s missions have evolved and changed to meet the demands of our country and to approach, identify and neutralize threats, and keep our coast and others safe. As that evolution has moved forward over the years, the Auxiliary has changed and evolved along with the Coast Guard. In order to provide the assistance needed, we have had to adapt faster, more intelligently and technologically sound. As those missions expand and evolve, the challenges to the Auxiliary become greater and more critical. The need for new members to join has become a determined focus. Targeted recruiting has become paramount. The need to find the right people to fit the specific skill sets is more important today than ever before. If you want to be a part of something growing, that’s special, that has or is being copied in other countries, give us a look. The Auxiliary needs you! Your country and Coast Guard need you!

“Our Members – Our Strength!” is Fifth Northern’s motto. Our members have been, our members are now, and our members will continue to be innovative, constructive, proactive, and adaptable.

If you believe that you can and will make a difference, the Coast Guard Auxiliary has a place for you. When you join the Coast Guard Auxiliary, you could find yourself saving lives, protecting the environment from polluters, guarding our shores, and much more. That’s our job – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. That’s life in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. We don’t just train. We train and perform.

Joseph Giannattasio, Immediate Past District Commodore – 5NR

White Stars on a blue background

Who We Are

District Five – Northern Region (D5NR) is a sub-unit of Coast Guard District Five, serving the public of Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.  More on the About Us Page!

What We Do!

We promote boating and marine environmental safety of the public and assist the United States Coast Guard with non-law enforcement duties.

White Stars on a blue background