Recreational Boating Safety Outreach Logo

2025 VSC Workshop

The 2025 “VSC Workshop” has been posted on the V-Directorate website. The Workshop is HIGHLY recommended, but not mandatory this year. It is MANADTORY for any member getting their VE qualification. The Workshop includes new info that all VEs should be aware of & clarification about past year items.

The best way to access the Workshop is to go thru the V-Directorate website. That way you access the latest and additional info as it’s added.

  • Click on “Member Training” in the top menu.
  • In the “Maintaining Certification” paragraph under “Vessel Examiner” click on the “now available for 2025” link at the end of paragraph.
  • For each slide of the Workshop include reading the “Notes” that add addition info.

Craig Brown

(National) Division Chief – Vessel Examinations

Dtrain 2025 Spring

2025 Spring DTRAIN!

Save the Dates…

4, 5 & 6 April, 2025
Hilton Wilmington/Christiana,
100 Continental Drive,
Newark, Delaware


Fellow Auxiliarists,

Save the Dates for our 2025 Spring District Training & Annual Awards Banquet! More details to follow!
With memories of Fall DTRAIN still fresh, we want to share that we will be heading back to the same location for Spring 2025 DTRAIN. Our District Board Meeting, open to everyone, is set for Friday! Followed with a line-up of sessions and events planned for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday. We’re buzzing with excitement as we fine-tune our expanded course offerings and session plans. The U.S. Coast Guard Active Duty team will be there too, ready to share some thrilling new opportunities for D5NR Auxiliarists during our Saturday Annual Awards Banquet. We’d love for all our District members to join in, whether for the entire DTRAIN weekend or just for a day.

It’s going to be time well spent full of learning, laughter, and making new friends.

Looking forward to seeing you at DTRAIN!
Semper Paratus!

Commodore Kurt P. Sarac, Sr.,
District Commodore
Fifth District-Northern Region
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary


Same Location as Fall 2024 DTRAIN!
The Hilton Christiana/Wilmington in Delaware is very nice and the staff and management are eager to host our event to the best of their ability.

Training Success

From the Operational Training Officer

All Hands Notice—Spring 2024
Greetings D5NR membership,
To increase visibility of important information, I will be sending out periodic “all-hands” emails. In this email you will find information related to:


(Aux Training Handbook – Boat Crew, Chap 6)

When a Surface Operations Competency is in REYR, members should look at the tasks for that competency to see which tasks are overdue. Overdue tasks will show in RED.
**This is the same process for requesting re-checking the night certification box.
After the needed tasks are completed, the following steps must be taken:

  • A letter (email) must be submitted to the OTO from theFSO-OP, MT (any level), or FC stating that:
    • The member has completed the missing requirement.
    • Request the member’s competency be re-instated.
  • The servicing IS will likely be needed to assist with ADII, however, the email request should come from one of the members listed above.
  • Members should read Chap 6 regarding Re-certifications.

(Aux Training Handbook – Boat Crew, Chap 7)

 As per new Boat Crew Handbook:

  • A member will work with their FC, FSO-OP, or FSO-MT to request a QE. The paperwork will then be submitted to the AQEC, who will assign a QE.
  • All examinations will be standardized and will include standard drills
  • If eval is “no-go,” members should re-schedule ASAP and will only have to complete failed tasks.
  • Members should read Chap 7 regarding Qualification Exams/Examiners

If an auxiliary member is traveling outside their local area (usually considered more than 50 miles) to provide direct support to a Coast Guard unit, the Director’s office has limited funding with which to provide mileage and toll reimbursement using the Local Travel Claim function in ETS. There are also instances in which Aux leaders might be eligible to request reimbursement for travel.
We are processing these requests using the “Local Claim” process in ETS. These claims are a one step process submitted after the travel has been completed. If there is a question about whether or not travel will be reimbursed, the member should inquire PRIOR to the travel. While our goal is to reimburse as much travel as possible in accordance with regulations and funding, travel reimbursement will not always be possible/available.
Claim should follow the below guidelines:

  • Multiple trips can be submitted on a single Local claim.
  • Local claims must be submitted within 30 days of travel except when nearing the end of a funding period (Fiscal Year, Continuing Resolution, etc.) when it must be received 5 days prior to the last day of the period unless otherwise directed.
  • Local claims that include more than 1 round trip must all fall under the same assignment to duty or otherwise grouped with “like” events (for elected leaders). Examples are:
    • CA for Cape May must be separated from CA for Sta Manasquan
    • DCAPT Travel to COWs must be separated from travel to EXCOM Meeting
    • CFVE travel for exams must be separate from travel for Unit support to ANT Philly
    • Watch-standing aboard Cutters must be separate from Watch-standing at Sector.
  • Local claims for Unit support activities must have an attached assignment to duty.
  • If you have questions, contact the OTO.

Assignment to Duty is a term that denotes you are supporting the Coast Guard and if there is an injury, death, or third-party claim, an auxiliarist can be entitled to benefits depending on the circumstances. Many auxiliary activities are covered under implicit assignments to duty. However, when an Aux member is directly supporting an Active-Duty Unit, it is normally appropriate to be issued an Assignment to Duty memo. These assignments are also referred to as “Orders” or “no-cost Orders,” however, I typically do not use that language to avoid confusion with funded TDY orders.
If you are providing direct support to CG units, you should have an assignment to Duty. Here are a few examples when it would be needed:

  • Culinary Assistance
  • Watch Standing
  • Getting u/w on CG boats/cutters
  • Providing Administrative Assistance to units
  • Commercial Fishing Vessel Exams
  • Pollution Response
  • Any Special Projects

Assignments to duty can cover periods of time up to 1 year; Examples have been provided to local Active-duty commands. For questions, please work with your Auxiliary Unit Coordinater (AUC), Unit POC (Point of Contact), or DIRAUX.


Mickey Price, CWO4
CG Auxiliary OTO
215-218-1035 (desk)