Upcoming Activities And Report Form
USCG Fifth District Units
Awards Information
Past Commander’s Association
PA Auxiliarist License Plate
Latest Posts
District Events List
Unit Financial Reports Due to DSO-FN
February 21, 2025
All Day
Unit financial reports for all units are due to DSO-FN
Summer Uniforms
April 1, 2025
12:00 am
Time to put the winter uniforms away and time to roll up the ODU sleeves and wear Trops
Winter Uniforms
November 1, 2025
12:00 am
Time to start optionally wear winter uniforms, ODU sleeves are rolled down.
District Full Calendar
6:00 PM - EXCOM Meeting
7:30 PM - North Jersey Shore Division 16
7:30 PM - Northern Lakes Division 15
7:00 PM - South Jersey Division 18
7:00 PM - Southeast PA Division 04
7:00 PM - Delaware Division 12 Meeting
7:30 PM - North Jersey Shore Division 16
Upcoming Training
Auxiliarists Help Wanted
Auxiliary Training
Useful Links
These links are found for quick access to 5NR and National Links
USCG Auxiliary Acronyms
From the AUXILIARY MANUAL with updates
A/C | Aircraft |
AAC | Auxiliary Aviation Coordinator |
AAM | Auxiliary Achievement Medal |
AAPP | Academy Admissions Partner Program |
ABC | America’s Boating Course |
ABYC | American Boat and Yacht Council |
AC&I | Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement |
ACFT | Aircraft |
ACLOC | Auxiliary Commandant Letter of Commendation |
ACM | Auxiliary Commendation Medal |
ACN | Advanced Coastal Navigation |
ACO | Authorized Certifying Officer |
ACOE | Army Corps of Engineers |
ACP | Area Contingency Plan |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADCON | Administrative Control |
ADFSO | Assistant District Flight Safety Officer |
ADM | Admiral (4-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution |
ADSM | Auxiliary Distinguished Service Medal |
ADSO | Assistant District Staff Officer |
ADSW-AC | Active Duty Special Work in Support of Active Component |
AFC-01 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Military Personnel Pay |
AFC-08 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Civilian Personnel Pay |
AFC-20 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Permanent Change of Station Travel |
AFC-30 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Operating and Maintenance |
AFC-30E | Allotment Fund Control Code for Energy |
AFC-56 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Training |
AFRAS | Association for Rescue at Sea |
AIM | Academy Introduction Mission or Administrative Investigations Manual |
AIRS | Auxiliary Internet Resources Site |
AIS | Automated Information System; Automatic Identification System |
ALAC | Auxiliary Logical Access Credential |
ALOM | Auxiliary Legion of Merit |
AMLOC | Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer Course |
AMOS | Auxiliary Mission Objectives System |
AMS | Area Maritime Security |
ANACO | Assistant National Commodore |
ANACO-CC | Assistant National Commodore Chief Counsel |
ANSC | Auxiliary National Supply Center |
ANT | Aids to Navigation Team |
AO | Area of Operations |
AOPS | Abstract of Operations or Assistant Operations Officer |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
AP | Approval Pending Member Status |
APC | Administrative Procedures Course |
ASC | Auxiliary Sector Coordinator |
ASOC | Auxiliary Senior Officer Course |
AT/FP | Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection |
AtoN | Aids to Navigation |
AtoNIS | Aids to Navigation Information System |
AUC | Auxiliary Unit Coordinator |
AUXACN | Auxiliary Advanced Coastal Navigation |
AUXCEN | Auxiliary Center |
AUXCOM | Auxiliary Boat Commander or Auxiliary Communication Specialty Course |
AUXDATA | Auxiliary Database |
AUXFAC | Auxiliary Facility |
AUXFS | Auxiliary Food Service |
AUXLAM | Auxiliary Leadership and Management Course |
AUXLEA | Auxiliary Leadership Course |
AUXLO | Auxiliary Liaison Officer (active duty unit liaison to local Auxiliary) |
AUXMAN | Auxiliary Manual |
AUXMIN | Auxiliary Administration Specialty Course |
AUXMIS | Auxiliary Management Information System (see AUXDATA) |
AUXNAV | Auxiliary Navigation Specialty Course |
AUXOP | Operational Auxiliarist |
AUXOY | Auxiliarist of the Year |
AUXPAL | Auxiliary Personnel Allowance List |
AUXPAT | Auxiliary Patrols Specialty Course |
AUXPATCOM | Auxiliary Patrol Commander |
AUXSAR | Auxiliary Search and Rescue Specialty Course |
AUXSEA | Auxiliary Seamanship Specialty Course |
AUXWEA | Auxiliary Weather Specialty Course |
AV | Aid Verifier |
AVM | Aviation Management |
AVT | Aviation Training |
AX | Operational Auxiliarist (aka – AUXOP) Member Status |
AWW | America’s Waterway Watch |
BC | Branch Chief, National Staff |
BCM | Boat Crewmember |
BCN | Basic Coastal Navigation |
BCQP | Boat Crew Qualification Program |
BED | Base Enrollment Date |
BG | Brigadier General (1-star) |
BGEN, BG | Brigadier General |
BLA | Boating Law Administrator |
BM | Boatswain’s Mate |
BNM | Broadcast Notice to Mariners |
BO/BTM PQS | Boarding Officer / Boarding Team Member Personnel Qualification Standard |
BOAT/US | Boat Owners Association of the U.S. |
BOCA | Boat Owners Council of America |
BOSAF | Boating Safety Correspondence Course |
BQ | Basically Qualified Member Status |
BS&S | Boating Skills and Seamanship |
BSAC | Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) |
BSC | Boating Safety Circular |
BUI | Boating Under the Influence |
BWI | Boating While Intoxicated |
C2 | Command and Control |
C4I | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence |
C4ISR | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance |
CAC | Common Access Card or Crisis Action Center |
CAN | Citzen’s Action Network |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol |
CAPT | Captain (USCG / USN / USPHS) |
CASCOR | Casualty Correct |
CASREP | Casualty Report |
CBN | Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear |
CBP | U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency |
CBRN | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear |
CCB | Configuration Control Board |
CD | Counterdrug Operations |
CDAR | Collateral Duty Addictions Representative |
CDO | Command Duty Officer |
CDR | Commander (USCG / USN / USPHS) |
CEU | Civil Engineering Unit or Continuing Education Unit |
CFC | Combined Federal Campaign |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CFR | U.S. Code of Federal Regulation |
CFVE | Commercial Fishing Vessel Examination |
CFVS | Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety |
CG-00 | Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard |
CG-09 | Vice Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard |
CG-1 | Assistant Commandant for Human Resources |
CG-2 | Assistant Commandant for Intelligence and Criminal Investigations |
CG-4 | Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics |
CG-5 | Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Stewardship |
CG-5P | Commandant for Prevention Policy |
CG-5PC | Director of Inspections and Compliance |
CG-6 | Assistant Commandant for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Technology |
CG-7 | Assistant Commandant for Capability |
CG-8 | Assistant Commandant for Resources |
CGAP | Coast Guard Acquisition Procedures |
CGAR | Coast Guard Acquisition Regulation |
CGAUX – CRC | Civil Rights Coordinator (Auxiliarist) |
CGAuxA, Inc. | Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Incorporated |
CG-DCMS | Deputy Commandant for Mission Support |
CG-DCO | Deputy Commandant for Operations |
CGDF | Coast Guard Dining Facility |
CGDN+ | Coast Guard Data Network Plus |
CGES | Coast Guard Exchange System |
CGHQ | Coast Guard Headquarters (Washington, DC) |
CGI | Coast Guard Institute (Oklahoma City, OK) |
CGIS | Coast Guard Investigative Service |
CGMA | Coast Guard Mutual Assistance |
CGPC | Coast Guard Personnel Command (Shirlington, VA) |
CGRC | Coast Guard Recruiting Command |
CHDIRAUX | Chief Director of Auxiliary |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIP | Common Intelligence Picture; Container Inspection Program |
CISM | Critical Incident Stress Management |
CM | Configuration Management or Communications |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
CO/OIC | Commanding Officer/Officer-in-Charge |
COCO | Chief of Contracting Officer |
COL | Colonel |
COLREG | International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea |
COMCEN | Communications Center |
COMDTINST | Commandant Instruction or Manual |
COMDTNOTE | Commandant Notice |
COMDTPUB | Commandant Publication |
COMMCEN | Communications Center |
COMMS | Communications |
COMO | Commodore |
CONOPS | Concept of Operations |
CONUS | Continental United States |
COOP | Continuity of Operations Plan |
COP | Common Operating Picture |
COTP | Captain-of-the-Port |
COTR | Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative |
CPC | Commandant’s Performance Challenge |
CPO | Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
CPRL | Contingency Personnel Requirements List |
CPT | Captain (USA, USAF, USMC) |
CQA | Commandant’s Quality Award |
CR | Continuing Resolution |
CRC | Civil Rights Coordinator |
CRM | Crew Resource Management |
CRO | Civil Rights Officer |
CS | Communications Services |
CVS | Commercial Vessel Safety or Contractor Verification System |
CWO | Chief Warrant Officer |
DA | Direct Access Information System (aka – PeopleSoft) |
DANTES | Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support |
DAPA | Drug and Alcohol Program Administration |
DAPI | Drug and Alcohol Program Inspector |
DBIDS | Defense Biometrics Identification System |
DCAPT | District Captain |
DCDR | Division Commander |
DCO | District Commodore |
DCOS | District Chief of Staff |
DDC | District Directorate Chief |
DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
DES | Digital Encryption Standard |
DFSO | District Flight Safety Officer |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DI | Direct Informational |
DIR | Director of Government and Public Affairs |
DIR-A | Directorate Chief of Marketing and Public Affairs |
DIR-B | Director of RBS Outreach |
DIR-C | Director of Computer Software and Systems |
DIR-D | Deputy Director, Auxiliary National Staff |
DIR-E | Director of Public Education |
DIR-I | Director of International Affairs |
DIR-M | Director of Performance Measurement |
DIR-P | Director of Prevention |
DIR-Q | Director of Incident Management and Preparedness |
DIR-R | Director of Response |
DIR-S | Director of Strategic Planning |
DIR-T | Director of Training |
DIR-U | Director of User Services and Support |
DIR-V | Director of Vessel Examinations |
DIRAUX | Director of Auxiliary (District or Region) |
DIST | District |
DIV | Division |
DMA | Defense Mapping Agency |
DMDC | Defense Manpower Data Center |
DMOA | Designated Medical Officer Advisor |
DNACO | Deputy National Commodore |
DO | Defense Operations or Direct Operational |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DOG | Deployable Operating Group |
DOJ | U.S. Department of Justice |
DOL | U.S. Department of Labor |
DOS | Department of State |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DPA | District Office Designator for Director of Auxiliary |
DRMO | Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office |
DSC | Digital Selective Calling |
DSO | District Staff Officer |
DTG | Date Time Group |
DV | Distinguished Visitor |
DVC | National Division Chief |
DWO | Deck Watch Officer |
EA | Executive Assistant |
EAD | Extended Active Duty |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program |
EDF | Enlisted Dining Facilities |
ELC | Engineering Logistics Center or Elected Leader’s Course |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter or Enforcement of Laws and Treaties |
EMCON | Emission Control |
EMI | Extra Military Instruction or Electro-Magnetic Interference |
EMPLID | Employee ID Number also known as MBRID – Member ID Number |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
EMT | Emergency Medical Technician |
ENS | Ensign (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
EO | Engineer Officer |
EOCT | End-of-Course Test |
EOD | Entry on Duty |
EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon |
E-QIP | Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |
ESD | Electronics Support Detachment |
ESO | Educational Services Officer |
ESU | Coast Guard Electronic Support Unit |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETR | Estimated Time to Repair |
EXCOM | District Executive Committee or Extended Communications |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FACA | Federal Advisory Committee Act |
FAR | Family Advocacy Representative or Federal Acquisition Regulations |
FAV | Favorable Determination for Personnel Security Investigation |
FC | Flotilla Commander |
FECA | Federal Employees Compensation Act |
FEDEX | Federal Express |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FINCEN | Finance Center |
FIR | Field Intelligence Report |
FLC | Flotilla Leadership Course |
FLIR | Forward-Looking Infrared heat-imaging system |
FMV | Fair Market Value |
FN | Finance Staff Officer – Auxiliary |
FOC | Final Operating Condition |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FOSC | Federal On-Scene Coordinator |
FOUO | For Official Use Only |
FPA | Family Program Administrator |
FPCON | Force Protection Condition |
FSO | Flotilla Staff Officer or Food Services Officer |
FTR | Federal Travel Regulations |
FWPCA | Federal Water Pollution Control Act |
FWS | Fish and Wildlife Service |
FY | Fiscal Year |
G-A | Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions |
GAR | Green-Amber-Red |
GEN | General (4-star) |
GIG | Global Information Grid |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (see ZULU) |
GOV | Government Owned Vehicle |
GP | General Purpose |
GPO | Government Printing Office |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GS | General Service Federal Employee Designation |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GTA | Government Transportation Account |
GTR | Government Travel Request |
GV | Government Vehicle |
HARPAT | Harbor Patrol |
HAZCOM | Hazardous Communication |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Material |
HAZWASTE | Hazardous Waste |
HAZWOPR | Hazardous Waste Operator |
HCPV/HIV | High Capacity Passenger Vessel/High Interest Vessel |
HDC | Harbor Defense Command |
HDCU | Harbor Defense Command Unit |
HIPAA | Health Information Portability and Accountability Act |
HITRON | Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron |
HIV | High Interest Vessel |
HLS | Homeland Security |
HS | Homeland Security |
HSAS | Homeland Security Advisory System |
HSC | Harbor Safety Committee |
HSPD | Homeland Security Presidential Directive |
HUMINT | Human Intelligence |
HVA | High Value military Assets |
IALA | International Association of Lighthouse Authorities |
IAMSAR | International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue |
I-AtoNIS | Integrated Aids to Navigation Information Systems |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICC | Intelligence Coordination Center |
ICE | U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency |
ICGS | Integrated Coast Guard Systems |
ICS | Incident Command System |
IDC | Instructor Development Course |
IDHS | Independent Duty Health Services Technician |
IDT | Inactive Duty for Training |
IIP | International Ice Patrol |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
IMPAC | International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card |
IOETP | Initial Orientation and Entry Training Program |
IP | Immediate Past Office (Except National Commodore) |
IQ | Initially Qualified Member Status |
IQC | Initial Qualification Code |
IRIS | Incident Reporting Information System |
IS | Information Services |
ISAR | International Search and Rescue |
ISC | Integrated Support Command |
ISMS | Integrated Security Management System |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
IT | Instructor; Information Technology |
JFTR | Joint Federal Travel Regulations |
JHOC | Joint Harbor Operations Center |
JIATF | Joint Interagency Task Force |
JIC | Joint Information Center |
JQR | Job Qualification Requirement |
KO | Contracting Officer |
L | Legal Affairs |
LCDR | Lieutenant Commander (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
LCP | Legislative Change Proposal |
LE | Law Enforcement |
LEDET | Law Enforcement Detachment |
LLC | Legislative Liaison Committee |
LLO | Legislative Liaison Officer |
LM | Life Member |
LMR | Living Marine Resource |
LO | Liaison Officer or Logistics Officer |
LOGREQ | Logistics Requirement |
LORAN-C | Long-Range Aid to Navigation |
LORSTA | Loran Station |
LP | Legal/Parliamentarian |
LSC | Legal Services Command |
LT | Lieutenant (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
LTCOL, LTC | Lieutenant Colonel (USA, USMC, USAF) |
LTG | Lieutenant General (3-star) |
LTGEN, LTG | Lieutenant General (USA, USMC, USAF) |
LTJG | Lieutenant Junior Grade (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
M&IE | Meals and Incidental Expenses |
MA | Materials |
MAJ | Major (USA, USMC, USAF) |
MARPOL | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships |
MARS | Military Affiliate Radio System |
MARSEC | Maritime Security Condition |
MBRID | Member ID Number |
MC&R | Maintenance, Repair, and Construction |
MCM | Manual for Courts-Martial |
MCPO | Master Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
MDA | Maritime Domain Awareness |
MDZ | Maritime Defense Zone |
MEP | Marine Environmental Protection |
MER | Marine Environmental Response |
MG | Major General (2-star) |
MGEN | Major General (USA, USMC, USAF) |
MGIB | Montgomery G.I. Bill |
MHLS | Maritime Homeland Security |
MILSTRIP | Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure |
MISHAP | Standard Report of Accident |
MISLE | Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement data system |
MJM | Military Justice Manual |
MLE | Maritime Law Enforcement |
MLEM | Maritime Law Enforcement Manual |
MMD | Merchant Mariner Document |
MMPA | Marine Mammal Protection Act |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MOM | Maritime Observation Mission |
MS | Member Services, Marine Safety |
MSC | Marine Safety Council |
MSD | Marine Sanitation Device or Marine Safety Detachment |
MSFCMA | Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act |
MSN | Marine Safety Network |
MSS | Marine Safety and Security |
MSSEP | Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection |
MSST | Maritime Safety and Security Team |
MT | Member Training or Mandated Training |
MTC | Meritorious Team Commendation |
MTS | Marine Transportation System |
MTSA | Marine Transportation Security Act |
MWR | Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation |
NAC | National Association of Commodores or National Agency Check |
NACI | National Agency Check and Inquiries |
NACLC | National Agency Check and Law and Credit |
NACO | National Commodore |
NACON | National Conference |
NAFA | Non-Appropriated Fund Activity |
NAPM | National Area Planning Meeting |
NASBLA | National Association of State Boating Law Administrators |
NAVRULS | Navigation Rules |
NBF | National Boating Federation |
NBSAC | National Boating Safety Advisory Council |
NESU | Naval Engineering Support Unit |
NEXCOM | National Executive Committee |
NIMS | National Incident Management System |
NIPCO | Immediate Past National Commodore |
NJP | Non-Judicial Punishment |
NLT | No Later Than |
NMLBS | National Motor Lifeboat School |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOK | Next of Kin |
NORTHCOM | Northern Command |
NRC | National Response Center (Washington, DC) |
NRP | National Response Plan |
NRT | National Response Team |
NSBC | National Safe Boating Council |
NSBW | National Safe Boating Week |
NSC | National Safety Council |
NSF | National Strike Force |
NSFCC | National Strike Force Coordination Center |
NSN | National Stock Number |
NSS | National Search and Rescue Supplement |
N-TRAIN | National Training Conference |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NVDC | National Vessel Documentation Center |
NVIC | Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular |
NWS | National Weather Service (NOAA-Dept. of Commerce) |
OAS | Organizational Assessment Survey |
OCMI | Officer-in-Charge, Marine Inspections |
OCONUS | Outside of the Continental United States |
OCS | Officer Candidate School |
ODU | Operational Dress Uniform |
OE | Coast Guard Operating Expenses Appropriation |
OER | Officer Evaluation Report |
OFI | Office of Federal Investigations |
OGE | Office of Government Ethics |
OIA | Order Issuing Authority |
OIC | Officer-in-Charge |
OJT | On-the-Job Training |
OMB | U.S. Office of Management and Budget |
OMMP | Occupational Medical Monitoring Program |
OMS | Operating Materials and Supplies or Operations and Marine Safety |
OMSEP | Occupational Medical Surveillance and Evaluation Program |
OOD | Officer of the Deck/Day |
OP | Operations |
OPA | Oil Pollution Act |
OPAREA | Operational Area |
OPC | Offshore Patrol Cutter |
OPCEN | Operations Center |
OPCOM | Operating Committee |
OPCON | Operational Control |
OPFAC | Coast Guard Operational Facility (e.g., station, cutter, support center) |
OPFOR | Opposition Forces |
OPLAN | Operation Plan |
OPM | U.S. Office of Personnel Management |
OPORD | Operation Order |
OPS | Operations Officer |
OPSEC | Operations Security |
ORM | Operational Risk Management |
OS | Operational Support |
OSC | Operations Systems Center (Martinsburg, WV) |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OTC | Officer in Tactical Command |
OTO | Operations Training Officer |
OWT | On-the-Water Training |
P | Past Officer (when used before officer title acronym) |
PA | Privacy Act or Public Affairs |
PAL | Personnel Allowance List |
PAO | Public Affairs Officer |
PATCOM | Patrol Commander |
PAWSS | Ports and Waterways Safety System |
PB | Publications |
PCS | Permanent Change of Station |
PDCA | Past Division Commanders Association |
PDD | Presidential Decision Directive |
PDR | Personnel Data Record |
PE | Public Education |
PERSRU | Personnel Reporting Unit |
PFD | Personal Flotation Device |
PI | Personnel Inspection |
PIE | Partnership in Education |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PIR | Priority Intelligence Requirements |
PIV | Personal Identification Verification |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PMS | Preventive/Planned Maintenance System |
PO | Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
POE | Projected Operation Environment |
POLREP | Pollution Report Message |
POM | Plaque of Merit |
POMS | Patrol Order Management System |
POSH | Prevention of Sexual Harassment |
POTUS | President of the United States |
POV | Privately Owned Vehicle |
PPC | Pay and Personnel Center |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PQS | Personnel Qualification Standard |
PS | Personnel Services or Port Security Specialist |
PSI | Personnel Security Investigation |
PSQ | Personnel Security Questionnaire |
PSS | Port Safety and Security |
PSU | Port Security Unit |
PWC | Personal Watercraft |
PWCS | Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security |
PWO | Personal Watercraft Operator |
PWSA | Ports and Waterway Safety Act |
PY | Promotion Year |
QC | Quality Control |
QE | Qualification Examiner |
QEB | Qualification Examining Board |
QM | Quartermaster (USN, USPHS) |
R&D | Research and Development |
RADM | Rear Admiral, Upper-Half (2-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
RAPIDS | Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System |
RBS | Recreational Boating Safety |
RBSV | Recreational Boating Safety Visitor |
RBSVP | Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program |
RDML | Rear Admiral, Lower-Half (1-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
REC | Coast Guard Regional Examination Center |
REP | Representative |
RET | Retired |
REWK | Required Workshop, Not Met |
REYR | Required Yearly, Not Met |
RFO | Ready for Operation |
RIK | Rations-in-Kind |
RMS | Readiness Management System |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
RP | Responsible Party or Resources Proposal |
SAC | Special Agreement Check |
SAI | Small Arms Instructor |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SAREX | SAR Exercise |
SARMIS | Search and Rescue Mission Information System |
SCPO | Senior Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
SDB | Service Dress Blue Bravon |
SECCEN | Coast Guard Security Center (Chesapeake, VA) |
SELRES | Selected Reserve |
SEPRAT | Separate Ration |
SES | Senior Executive Service |
SF | Safety Factor or Sailing Fundamentals |
SHPT | Sexual Harassment Prevention Training |
SILC DET | Shore Infrastructure Logistics Center Detachment |
SIPRNET | Secret Internet Protocol Routing Network |
SITREP | Situation Report |
SK | Storekeeper |
SLO | Auxiliary State Liaison |
SMART | Self-contained Mobile Auxiliary Response Team |
SMC | SAR Mission Coordinator |
SN | Seaman (USCG, USN) |
SO | Division Staff Officer |
SOFA | Status of Forces Agreement |
SOLAS | Safety of Life at Sea |
SO-OP | Auxiliary Division Operations Officer |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOQ | Sailor of the Quarter |
SORN | System of Record Notice |
SR | Secretary/Records (also Seaman Recruit) |
SRA | Short-Range Aids to Navigation |
SSBI | Single Scope Background Investigation |
SSL | Standard Support Level |
SSN | Social Security Number |
STA | Station |
STA OPS | Station Operations |
STAN & RFO | Readiness and Standardization Program |
STTR | Short-Term Resident Training Request |
SWSIII | Standard Workstation Three |
TACON | Tactical Control |
TAD | Temporary Additional Duty |
TBO | Time Between Overhauls (re – aircraft facilities) |
TCOW | Telecommunications Watchstander |
TCT | Team Coordination Training |
TDY | Temporary Duty |
THREATCON | Threat Condition |
TISCOM | Telecommunications and Information Systems Command (Alexandria, VA) |
TMT | Training Management Tool |
TOI | Target of Interest |
TONO | Travel Order Number |
TPAX | Travel Preparation and Examination System |
TQC | Training Quota Management Center |
TRACEN | Training Center |
TRADET | Training Detachment |
TRATEAM | Training Team |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration |
TVS | Travel Voucher Statement |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System |
UCMJ | Uniform Code of Military Justice |
UDC | Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center (Woodbine, NJ) |
UNFAV | Unfavorable (determination, especially in regards to PSI) |
USA | United States Army |
USACOE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFR | United States Air Force Reserve |
USA-NG | United States Army – National Guard |
USAR | United States Army Reserve |
USBP | United States Border Patrol |
USC | United States Code |
USCA | United States Code Annotated |
USCG | United States Coast Guard (also CG) |
USCGA | United States Coast Guard Academy |
USCGAUX | United States Coast Guard Auxiliary |
USCGR | United States Coast Guard Reserve |
USFWS | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMCR | United States Marine Corps Reserve |
USN | United States Navy |
USNR | United States Navy Reserve |
USPS | U.S. Power Squadrons |
VADM | Vice Admiral (3-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
VCDR | Division Vice Commander |
VFC | Flotilla Vice Commander |
VIP | Very Important Person |
VNACO | National Vice Commodore |
VSC | Vessel Safety Check |
VTS | Vessel Traffic Services |
WWM | Waterways Management |
XO | Executive Officer |
XPO | Executive Petty Officer |
YN | Yeoman |
ZULU | Time Zone “Alpha” designation, “Z” “Zulu time” |