William R Turner …….  President

Robert Alan Lindsay     ….…  Vice President – Central Area

Douglas L. Smith …………… Vice President – Eastern Area

Doug Willwerth  …………….. Vice President – Western Area

The Past Division Commanders Association exists to assist the Fifth District (NR), United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and the United States Coast Guard in connection with any authorized Auxiliary activity, by utilizing the experience and expertise of those Auxiliary members who served as Division Commanders or, as previously known, Division Captains. The PCA may conduct such activities as may be authorized or permitted by the Auxiliary Manual, District policy, or as may be assigned to the PCA by the District Commodore.

MISSION STATEMENT: To apply the considerable knowledge and accumulated expertise of our Division Commanders in behalf of the Commodore’s goals, and the good of order.

If you have completed your first year as a Division Commander or have previously held that position or that of Division Captain, you are eligible to join the PDCA. The PDCA meets at the PDCA breakfast conducted on the Sunday morning of the District Training Meetings. There is a one-time dues of $25.00, which admits you to all future PDCA breakfasts.