Pile of money and coins

District Staff Officer – Finance

Mark F. Letavish

Usual Disclaimer:  The Finance web pages are for informational purposes only. Do not contact the webmaster regarding these pages. Contact the DSO-FN for information and questions.

The Finance Office is responsible for the accurate and timely accounting of all District funds, the issuance of member dues billings to the flotillas and the reporting of the status of the District funds to EXCOM and the District Board on a periodic basis as provided in the District Standing Rules.

In addition, the Finance Officer has been charged by the District Commodore to receive and review all Financial Reports of an Auxiliary Unit (ANSC-7025).  In the event that the Finance Officer notes any questionable items in the financial report submitted, it is his/her responsibility to notify the District Commodore of such item and upon direction by the District Commodore to conduct an audit of the unit funds.

The District Finance Officer is prepared to assist the Division and Flotilla Staff Officers with any questions or problems that they may have in the proper execution of their duties. Such items of assistance may include, but not be limited to, accounting for unit funds, preparation of unit financial statements, providing the correct Federal Identification Number to be used in the opening of bank accounts, audit of unit funds and preparation of budgets and disbursement of unit funds.

Below you will find various links that will assist you in your Finance Staff Officer position.

Unit Finance Officer Reference Guide

Unit Finance Officer Guide and Standard Operating Procedures 2022

Auxiliary Federal Identification Number

FIN-1 Receipts Disbursements

FIN-1a Receipts Disbursements

FIN-2A Division and Flotilla Check Request

FIN-2B District Check Request Form

NJ Tax Exemption Certificate

PA Tax Exemption Certificate

ANSC Form 7025

Audit Guide V4.0

Audit Committee Report Templates

D5NR Audit Checklist

IRS Tax Letter

Past Commodores’ Dues Exemption Letter

2023-2024 Dues Proration

2023 Fall DTRAIN Sessions Slides 9-23-2023

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