Training Success

RM/TCT or TCO Workshop

You can still attend the Risk Management/Team Coordination (RM/TCT) Annual Workshop or the Telecommunications (TCO) Annual Refresher Workshop

There is one online session each available.

Select the link(s) below to register for the session(s) that work best for you.

This a great opportunity to pick up these annual workshops.

Training Invitation for TCO Annual Refresher Workshop

This workshop is only required for those that are in REYR for missing a previous year’s workshop. Otherwise, it is strongly recommended for all TCO’s

to attend a session for this year.

Use the link(s) below to register for your desired session(s)  

—preferably prior to the date of the class.

Date and time of session:

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 7:30 PM-8:30 PM (EDT)


Training Invitation for RM/TCT Annual Refresher Workshop

Risk Management/Team Coordination Training (RM/TCT) Annual Refresher, REQUIRED for all Operations. Use the link below to register for the session, preferably prior to the date of the class.
Date and time for this session:

Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 7:00PM-10:00 PM (EDT)