From the AUXILIARY MANUAL with updates
A/C | Aircraft |
AAC | Auxiliary Aviation Coordinator |
AAM | Auxiliary Achievement Medal |
AAPP | Academy Admissions Partner Program |
ABC | America’s Boating Course |
ABYC | American Boat and Yacht Council |
AC&I | Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement |
ACFT | Aircraft |
ACLOC | Auxiliary Commandant Letter of Commendation |
ACM | Auxiliary Commendation Medal |
ACN | Advanced Coastal Navigation |
ACO | Authorized Certifying Officer |
ACOE | Army Corps of Engineers |
ACP | Area Contingency Plan |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADCON | Administrative Control |
ADFSO | Assistant District Flight Safety Officer |
ADM | Admiral (4-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution |
ADSM | Auxiliary Distinguished Service Medal |
ADSO | Assistant District Staff Officer |
ADSW-AC | Active Duty Special Work in Support of Active Component |
AFC-01 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Military Personnel Pay |
AFC-08 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Civilian Personnel Pay |
AFC-20 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Permanent Change of Station Travel |
AFC-30 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Operating and Maintenance |
AFC-30E | Allotment Fund Control Code for Energy |
AFC-56 | Allotment Fund Control Code for Training |
AFRAS | Association for Rescue at Sea |
AIM | Academy Introduction Mission or Administrative Investigations Manual |
AIRS | Auxiliary Internet Resources Site |
AIS | Automated Information System; Automatic Identification System |
ALAC | Auxiliary Logical Access Credential |
ALOM | Auxiliary Legion of Merit |
AMLOC | Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer Course |
AMOS | Auxiliary Mission Objectives System |
AMS | Area Maritime Security |
ANACO | Assistant National Commodore |
ANACO-CC | Assistant National Commodore Chief Counsel |
ANSC | Auxiliary National Supply Center |
ANT | Aids to Navigation Team |
AO | Area of Operations |
AOPS | Abstract of Operations or Assistant Operations Officer |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
AP | Approval Pending Member Status |
APC | Administrative Procedures Course |
ASC | Auxiliary Sector Coordinator |
ASOC | Auxiliary Senior Officer Course |
AT/FP | Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection |
AtoN | Aids to Navigation |
AtoNIS | Aids to Navigation Information System |
AUC | Auxiliary Unit Coordinator |
AUXACN | Auxiliary Advanced Coastal Navigation |
AUXCEN | Auxiliary Center |
AUXCOM | Auxiliary Boat Commander or Auxiliary Communication Specialty Course |
AUXDATA | Auxiliary Database |
AUXFAC | Auxiliary Facility |
AUXFS | Auxiliary Food Service |
AUXLAM | Auxiliary Leadership and Management Course |
AUXLEA | Auxiliary Leadership Course |
AUXLO | Auxiliary Liaison Officer (active duty unit liaison to local Auxiliary) |
AUXMAN | Auxiliary Manual |
AUXMIN | Auxiliary Administration Specialty Course |
AUXMIS | Auxiliary Management Information System (see AUXDATA) |
AUXNAV | Auxiliary Navigation Specialty Course |
AUXOP | Operational Auxiliarist |
AUXOY | Auxiliarist of the Year |
AUXPAL | Auxiliary Personnel Allowance List |
AUXPAT | Auxiliary Patrols Specialty Course |
AUXPATCOM | Auxiliary Patrol Commander |
AUXSAR | Auxiliary Search and Rescue Specialty Course |
AUXSEA | Auxiliary Seamanship Specialty Course |
AUXWEA | Auxiliary Weather Specialty Course |
AV | Aid Verifier |
AVM | Aviation Management |
AVT | Aviation Training |
AX | Operational Auxiliarist (aka – AUXOP) Member Status |
AWW | America’s Waterway Watch |
BC | Branch Chief, National Staff |
BCM | Boat Crewmember |
BCN | Basic Coastal Navigation |
BCQP | Boat Crew Qualification Program |
BED | Base Enrollment Date |
BG | Brigadier General (1-star) |
BGEN, BG | Brigadier General |
BLA | Boating Law Administrator |
BM | Boatswain’s Mate |
BNM | Broadcast Notice to Mariners |
BO/BTM PQS | Boarding Officer / Boarding Team Member Personnel Qualification Standard |
BOAT/US | Boat Owners Association of the U.S. |
BOCA | Boat Owners Council of America |
BOSAF | Boating Safety Correspondence Course |
BQ | Basically Qualified Member Status |
BS&S | Boating Skills and Seamanship |
BSAC | Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) |
BSC | Boating Safety Circular |
BUI | Boating Under the Influence |
BWI | Boating While Intoxicated |
C2 | Command and Control |
C4I | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence |
C4ISR | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance |
CAC | Common Access Card or Crisis Action Center |
CAN | Citzen’s Action Network |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol |
CAPT | Captain (USCG / USN / USPHS) |
CASCOR | Casualty Correct |
CASREP | Casualty Report |
CBN | Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear |
CBP | U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency |
CBRN | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear |
CCB | Configuration Control Board |
CD | Counterdrug Operations |
CDAR | Collateral Duty Addictions Representative |
CDO | Command Duty Officer |
CDR | Commander (USCG / USN / USPHS) |
CEU | Civil Engineering Unit or Continuing Education Unit |
CFC | Combined Federal Campaign |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CFR | U.S. Code of Federal Regulation |
CFVE | Commercial Fishing Vessel Examination |
CFVS | Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety |
CG-00 | Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard |
CG-09 | Vice Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard |
CG-1 | Assistant Commandant for Human Resources |
CG-2 | Assistant Commandant for Intelligence and Criminal Investigations |
CG-4 | Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics |
CG-5 | Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety, Security, and Stewardship |
CG-5P | Commandant for Prevention Policy |
CG-5PC | Director of Inspections and Compliance |
CG-6 | Assistant Commandant for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Technology |
CG-7 | Assistant Commandant for Capability |
CG-8 | Assistant Commandant for Resources |
CGAP | Coast Guard Acquisition Procedures |
CGAR | Coast Guard Acquisition Regulation |
CGAUX – CRC | Civil Rights Coordinator (Auxiliarist) |
CGAuxA, Inc. | Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Incorporated |
CG-DCMS | Deputy Commandant for Mission Support |
CG-DCO | Deputy Commandant for Operations |
CGDF | Coast Guard Dining Facility |
CGDN+ | Coast Guard Data Network Plus |
CGES | Coast Guard Exchange System |
CGHQ | Coast Guard Headquarters (Washington, DC) |
CGI | Coast Guard Institute (Oklahoma City, OK) |
CGIS | Coast Guard Investigative Service |
CGMA | Coast Guard Mutual Assistance |
CGPC | Coast Guard Personnel Command (Shirlington, VA) |
CGRC | Coast Guard Recruiting Command |
CHDIRAUX | Chief Director of Auxiliary |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIP | Common Intelligence Picture; Container Inspection Program |
CISM | Critical Incident Stress Management |
CM | Configuration Management or Communications |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
CO/OIC | Commanding Officer/Officer-in-Charge |
COCO | Chief of Contracting Officer |
COL | Colonel |
COLREG | International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea |
COMCEN | Communications Center |
COMDTINST | Commandant Instruction or Manual |
COMDTNOTE | Commandant Notice |
COMDTPUB | Commandant Publication |
COMMCEN | Communications Center |
COMMS | Communications |
COMO | Commodore |
CONOPS | Concept of Operations |
CONUS | Continental United States |
COOP | Continuity of Operations Plan |
COP | Common Operating Picture |
COTP | Captain-of-the-Port |
COTR | Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative |
CPC | Commandant’s Performance Challenge |
CPO | Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
CPRL | Contingency Personnel Requirements List |
CPT | Captain (USA, USAF, USMC) |
CQA | Commandant’s Quality Award |
CR | Continuing Resolution |
CRC | Civil Rights Coordinator |
CRM | Crew Resource Management |
CRO | Civil Rights Officer |
CS | Communications Services |
CVS | Commercial Vessel Safety or Contractor Verification System |
CWO | Chief Warrant Officer |
DA | Direct Access Information System (aka – PeopleSoft) |
DANTES | Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support |
DAPA | Drug and Alcohol Program Administration |
DAPI | Drug and Alcohol Program Inspector |
DBIDS | Defense Biometrics Identification System |
DCAPT | District Captain |
DCDR | Division Commander |
DCO | District Commodore |
DCOS | District Chief of Staff |
DDC | District Directorate Chief |
DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
DES | Digital Encryption Standard |
DFSO | District Flight Safety Officer |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DI | Direct Informational |
DIR | Director of Government and Public Affairs |
DIR-A | Directorate Chief of Marketing and Public Affairs |
DIR-B | Director of RBS Outreach |
DIR-C | Director of Computer Software and Systems |
DIR-D | Deputy Director, Auxiliary National Staff |
DIR-E | Director of Public Education |
DIR-I | Director of International Affairs |
DIR-M | Director of Performance Measurement |
DIR-P | Director of Prevention |
DIR-Q | Director of Incident Management and Preparedness |
DIR-R | Director of Response |
DIR-S | Director of Strategic Planning |
DIR-T | Director of Training |
DIR-U | Director of User Services and Support |
DIR-V | Director of Vessel Examinations |
DIRAUX | Director of Auxiliary (District or Region) |
DIST | District |
DIV | Division |
DMA | Defense Mapping Agency |
DMDC | Defense Manpower Data Center |
DMOA | Designated Medical Officer Advisor |
DNACO | Deputy National Commodore |
DO | Defense Operations or Direct Operational |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DOG | Deployable Operating Group |
DOJ | U.S. Department of Justice |
DOL | U.S. Department of Labor |
DOS | Department of State |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DPA | District Office Designator for Director of Auxiliary |
DRMO | Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office |
DSC | Digital Selective Calling |
DSO | District Staff Officer |
DTG | Date Time Group |
DV | Distinguished Visitor |
DVC | National Division Chief |
DWO | Deck Watch Officer |
EA | Executive Assistant |
EAD | Extended Active Duty |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program |
EDF | Enlisted Dining Facilities |
ELC | Engineering Logistics Center or Elected Leader’s Course |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter or Enforcement of Laws and Treaties |
EMCON | Emission Control |
EMI | Extra Military Instruction or Electro-Magnetic Interference |
EMPLID | Employee ID Number also known as MBRID – Member ID Number |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
EMT | Emergency Medical Technician |
ENS | Ensign (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
EO | Engineer Officer |
EOCT | End-of-Course Test |
EOD | Entry on Duty |
EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon |
E-QIP | Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |
ESD | Electronics Support Detachment |
ESO | Educational Services Officer |
ESU | Coast Guard Electronic Support Unit |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETR | Estimated Time to Repair |
EXCOM | District Executive Committee or Extended Communications |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FACA | Federal Advisory Committee Act |
FAR | Family Advocacy Representative or Federal Acquisition Regulations |
FAV | Favorable Determination for Personnel Security Investigation |
FC | Flotilla Commander |
FECA | Federal Employees Compensation Act |
FEDEX | Federal Express |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FINCEN | Finance Center |
FIR | Field Intelligence Report |
FLC | Flotilla Leadership Course |
FLIR | Forward-Looking Infrared heat-imaging system |
FMV | Fair Market Value |
FN | Finance Staff Officer – Auxiliary |
FOC | Final Operating Condition |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FOSC | Federal On-Scene Coordinator |
FOUO | For Official Use Only |
FPA | Family Program Administrator |
FPCON | Force Protection Condition |
FSO | Flotilla Staff Officer or Food Services Officer |
FTR | Federal Travel Regulations |
FWPCA | Federal Water Pollution Control Act |
FWS | Fish and Wildlife Service |
FY | Fiscal Year |
G-A | Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions |
GAR | Green-Amber-Red |
GEN | General (4-star) |
GIG | Global Information Grid |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (see ZULU) |
GOV | Government Owned Vehicle |
GP | General Purpose |
GPO | Government Printing Office |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GS | General Service Federal Employee Designation |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GTA | Government Transportation Account |
GTR | Government Travel Request |
GV | Government Vehicle |
HARPAT | Harbor Patrol |
HAZCOM | Hazardous Communication |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Material |
HAZWASTE | Hazardous Waste |
HAZWOPR | Hazardous Waste Operator |
HCPV/HIV | High Capacity Passenger Vessel/High Interest Vessel |
HDC | Harbor Defense Command |
HDCU | Harbor Defense Command Unit |
HIPAA | Health Information Portability and Accountability Act |
HITRON | Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron |
HIV | High Interest Vessel |
HLS | Homeland Security |
HS | Homeland Security |
HSAS | Homeland Security Advisory System |
HSC | Harbor Safety Committee |
HSPD | Homeland Security Presidential Directive |
HUMINT | Human Intelligence |
HVA | High Value military Assets |
IALA | International Association of Lighthouse Authorities |
IAMSAR | International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue |
I-AtoNIS | Integrated Aids to Navigation Information Systems |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICC | Intelligence Coordination Center |
ICE | U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency |
ICGS | Integrated Coast Guard Systems |
ICS | Incident Command System |
IDC | Instructor Development Course |
IDHS | Independent Duty Health Services Technician |
IDT | Inactive Duty for Training |
IIP | International Ice Patrol |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
IMPAC | International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card |
IOETP | Initial Orientation and Entry Training Program |
IP | Immediate Past Office (Except National Commodore) |
IQ | Initially Qualified Member Status |
IQC | Initial Qualification Code |
IRIS | Incident Reporting Information System |
IS | Information Services |
ISAR | International Search and Rescue |
ISC | Integrated Support Command |
ISMS | Integrated Security Management System |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
IT | Instructor; Information Technology |
JFTR | Joint Federal Travel Regulations |
JHOC | Joint Harbor Operations Center |
JIATF | Joint Interagency Task Force |
JIC | Joint Information Center |
JQR | Job Qualification Requirement |
KO | Contracting Officer |
L | Legal Affairs |
LCDR | Lieutenant Commander (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
LCP | Legislative Change Proposal |
LE | Law Enforcement |
LEDET | Law Enforcement Detachment |
LLC | Legislative Liaison Committee |
LLO | Legislative Liaison Officer |
LM | Life Member |
LMR | Living Marine Resource |
LO | Liaison Officer or Logistics Officer |
LOGREQ | Logistics Requirement |
LORAN-C | Long-Range Aid to Navigation |
LORSTA | Loran Station |
LP | Legal/Parliamentarian |
LSC | Legal Services Command |
LT | Lieutenant (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
LTCOL, LTC | Lieutenant Colonel (USA, USMC, USAF) |
LTG | Lieutenant General (3-star) |
LTGEN, LTG | Lieutenant General (USA, USMC, USAF) |
LTJG | Lieutenant Junior Grade (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
M&IE | Meals and Incidental Expenses |
MA | Materials |
MAJ | Major (USA, USMC, USAF) |
MARPOL | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships |
MARS | Military Affiliate Radio System |
MARSEC | Maritime Security Condition |
MBRID | Member ID Number |
MC&R | Maintenance, Repair, and Construction |
MCM | Manual for Courts-Martial |
MCPO | Master Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
MDA | Maritime Domain Awareness |
MDZ | Maritime Defense Zone |
MEP | Marine Environmental Protection |
MER | Marine Environmental Response |
MG | Major General (2-star) |
MGEN | Major General (USA, USMC, USAF) |
MGIB | Montgomery G.I. Bill |
MHLS | Maritime Homeland Security |
MILSTRIP | Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure |
MISHAP | Standard Report of Accident |
MISLE | Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement data system |
MJM | Military Justice Manual |
MLE | Maritime Law Enforcement |
MLEM | Maritime Law Enforcement Manual |
MMD | Merchant Mariner Document |
MMPA | Marine Mammal Protection Act |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MOM | Maritime Observation Mission |
MS | Member Services, Marine Safety |
MSC | Marine Safety Council |
MSD | Marine Sanitation Device or Marine Safety Detachment |
MSFCMA | Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act |
MSN | Marine Safety Network |
MSS | Marine Safety and Security |
MSSEP | Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection |
MSST | Maritime Safety and Security Team |
MT | Member Training or Mandated Training |
MTC | Meritorious Team Commendation |
MTS | Marine Transportation System |
MTSA | Marine Transportation Security Act |
MWR | Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation |
NAC | National Association of Commodores or National Agency Check |
NACI | National Agency Check and Inquiries |
NACLC | National Agency Check and Law and Credit |
NACO | National Commodore |
NACON | National Conference |
NAFA | Non-Appropriated Fund Activity |
NAPM | National Area Planning Meeting |
NASBLA | National Association of State Boating Law Administrators |
NAVRULS | Navigation Rules |
NBF | National Boating Federation |
NBSAC | National Boating Safety Advisory Council |
NESU | Naval Engineering Support Unit |
NEXCOM | National Executive Committee |
NIMS | National Incident Management System |
NIPCO | Immediate Past National Commodore |
NJP | Non-Judicial Punishment |
NLT | No Later Than |
NMLBS | National Motor Lifeboat School |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOK | Next of Kin |
NORTHCOM | Northern Command |
NRC | National Response Center (Washington, DC) |
NRP | National Response Plan |
NRT | National Response Team |
NSBC | National Safe Boating Council |
NSBW | National Safe Boating Week |
NSC | National Safety Council |
NSF | National Strike Force |
NSFCC | National Strike Force Coordination Center |
NSN | National Stock Number |
NSS | National Search and Rescue Supplement |
N-TRAIN | National Training Conference |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NVDC | National Vessel Documentation Center |
NVIC | Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular |
NWS | National Weather Service (NOAA-Dept. of Commerce) |
OAS | Organizational Assessment Survey |
OCMI | Officer-in-Charge, Marine Inspections |
OCONUS | Outside of the Continental United States |
OCS | Officer Candidate School |
ODU | Operational Dress Uniform |
OE | Coast Guard Operating Expenses Appropriation |
OER | Officer Evaluation Report |
OFI | Office of Federal Investigations |
OGE | Office of Government Ethics |
OIA | Order Issuing Authority |
OIC | Officer-in-Charge |
OJT | On-the-Job Training |
OMB | U.S. Office of Management and Budget |
OMMP | Occupational Medical Monitoring Program |
OMS | Operating Materials and Supplies or Operations and Marine Safety |
OMSEP | Occupational Medical Surveillance and Evaluation Program |
OOD | Officer of the Deck/Day |
OP | Operations |
OPA | Oil Pollution Act |
OPAREA | Operational Area |
OPC | Offshore Patrol Cutter |
OPCEN | Operations Center |
OPCOM | Operating Committee |
OPCON | Operational Control |
OPFAC | Coast Guard Operational Facility (e.g., station, cutter, support center) |
OPFOR | Opposition Forces |
OPLAN | Operation Plan |
OPM | U.S. Office of Personnel Management |
OPORD | Operation Order |
OPS | Operations Officer |
OPSEC | Operations Security |
ORM | Operational Risk Management |
OS | Operational Support |
OSC | Operations Systems Center (Martinsburg, WV) |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OTC | Officer in Tactical Command |
OTO | Operations Training Officer |
OWT | On-the-Water Training |
P | Past Officer (when used before officer title acronym) |
PA | Privacy Act or Public Affairs |
PAL | Personnel Allowance List |
PAO | Public Affairs Officer |
PATCOM | Patrol Commander |
PAWSS | Ports and Waterways Safety System |
PB | Publications |
PCS | Permanent Change of Station |
PDCA | Past Division Commanders Association |
PDD | Presidential Decision Directive |
PDR | Personnel Data Record |
PE | Public Education |
PERSRU | Personnel Reporting Unit |
PFD | Personal Flotation Device |
PI | Personnel Inspection |
PIE | Partnership in Education |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PIR | Priority Intelligence Requirements |
PIV | Personal Identification Verification |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PMS | Preventive/Planned Maintenance System |
PO | Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
POE | Projected Operation Environment |
POLREP | Pollution Report Message |
POM | Plaque of Merit |
POMS | Patrol Order Management System |
POSH | Prevention of Sexual Harassment |
POTUS | President of the United States |
POV | Privately Owned Vehicle |
PPC | Pay and Personnel Center |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PQS | Personnel Qualification Standard |
PS | Personnel Services or Port Security Specialist |
PSI | Personnel Security Investigation |
PSQ | Personnel Security Questionnaire |
PSS | Port Safety and Security |
PSU | Port Security Unit |
PWC | Personal Watercraft |
PWCS | Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security |
PWO | Personal Watercraft Operator |
PWSA | Ports and Waterway Safety Act |
PY | Promotion Year |
QC | Quality Control |
QE | Qualification Examiner |
QEB | Qualification Examining Board |
QM | Quartermaster (USN, USPHS) |
R&D | Research and Development |
RADM | Rear Admiral, Upper-Half (2-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
RAPIDS | Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System |
RBS | Recreational Boating Safety |
RBSV | Recreational Boating Safety Visitor |
RBSVP | Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program |
RDML | Rear Admiral, Lower-Half (1-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
REC | Coast Guard Regional Examination Center |
REP | Representative |
RET | Retired |
REWK | Required Workshop, Not Met |
REYR | Required Yearly, Not Met |
RFO | Ready for Operation |
RIK | Rations-in-Kind |
RMS | Readiness Management System |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
RP | Responsible Party or Resources Proposal |
SAC | Special Agreement Check |
SAI | Small Arms Instructor |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SAREX | SAR Exercise |
SARMIS | Search and Rescue Mission Information System |
SCPO | Senior Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
SDB | Service Dress Blue Bravon |
SECCEN | Coast Guard Security Center (Chesapeake, VA) |
SELRES | Selected Reserve |
SEPRAT | Separate Ration |
SES | Senior Executive Service |
SF | Safety Factor or Sailing Fundamentals |
SHPT | Sexual Harassment Prevention Training |
SILC DET | Shore Infrastructure Logistics Center Detachment |
SIPRNET | Secret Internet Protocol Routing Network |
SITREP | Situation Report |
SK | Storekeeper |
SLO | Auxiliary State Liaison |
SMART | Self-contained Mobile Auxiliary Response Team |
SMC | SAR Mission Coordinator |
SN | Seaman (USCG, USN) |
SO | Division Staff Officer |
SOFA | Status of Forces Agreement |
SOLAS | Safety of Life at Sea |
SO-OP | Auxiliary Division Operations Officer |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOQ | Sailor of the Quarter |
SORN | System of Record Notice |
SR | Secretary/Records (also Seaman Recruit) |
SRA | Short-Range Aids to Navigation |
SSBI | Single Scope Background Investigation |
SSL | Standard Support Level |
SSN | Social Security Number |
STA | Station |
STA OPS | Station Operations |
STAN & RFO | Readiness and Standardization Program |
STTR | Short-Term Resident Training Request |
SWSIII | Standard Workstation Three |
TACON | Tactical Control |
TAD | Temporary Additional Duty |
TBO | Time Between Overhauls (re – aircraft facilities) |
TCOW | Telecommunications Watchstander |
TCT | Team Coordination Training |
TDY | Temporary Duty |
THREATCON | Threat Condition |
TISCOM | Telecommunications and Information Systems Command (Alexandria, VA) |
TMT | Training Management Tool |
TOI | Target of Interest |
TONO | Travel Order Number |
TPAX | Travel Preparation and Examination System |
TQC | Training Quota Management Center |
TRACEN | Training Center |
TRADET | Training Detachment |
TRATEAM | Training Team |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration |
TVS | Travel Voucher Statement |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System |
UCMJ | Uniform Code of Military Justice |
UDC | Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center (Woodbine, NJ) |
UNFAV | Unfavorable (determination, especially in regards to PSI) |
USA | United States Army |
USACOE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFR | United States Air Force Reserve |
USA-NG | United States Army – National Guard |
USAR | United States Army Reserve |
USBP | United States Border Patrol |
USC | United States Code |
USCA | United States Code Annotated |
USCG | United States Coast Guard (also CG) |
USCGA | United States Coast Guard Academy |
USCGAUX | United States Coast Guard Auxiliary |
USCGR | United States Coast Guard Reserve |
USFWS | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMCR | United States Marine Corps Reserve |
USN | United States Navy |
USNR | United States Navy Reserve |
USPS | U.S. Power Squadrons |
VADM | Vice Admiral (3-star, USCG / USN / USPHS) |
VCDR | Division Vice Commander |
VFC | Flotilla Vice Commander |
VIP | Very Important Person |
VNACO | National Vice Commodore |
VSC | Vessel Safety Check |
VTS | Vessel Traffic Services |
WWM | Waterways Management |
XO | Executive Officer |
XPO | Executive Petty Officer |
YN | Yeoman |
ZULU | Time Zone “Alpha” designation, “Z” “Zulu time” |